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Check out these hints for Math Break 2-digit number into tens and ones; 20 to 99 .

Represent the number as a sum of tens and ones. The first digit on the right denotes the number of ones. The first digit on the left is the number of tens.

Detailed explanation for Math Break 2-digit number into tens and ones; 20 to 99

How can we identify the number of tens and ones in a number? If it is a two-digit number, we look at the first digit on the left. It is a tens place, and it denotes the number of tens. In number 67, the first digit on the left is 6. It means number 67 contains 6 tens.

In the same way, we can find the number of ones, as the first digit on the right shows the number of ones. There is number 7 on the right in number 67. Thus, we conclude number 67 has 7 ones. 

Let’s write down the number 89 as a sum of tens and ones. The first digit on the left denotes tens, and on the right - ones.

Let's look at the number 90. The number of its tens equals 9, and the ones are denoted by 0. In this case, the sum of tens and ones look the following way:
