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Say Hello to learning success, one topic at a time.

Smart and Fun way to study and build a deep understanding in math, science, English and more.

Say Hello to learning success, one topic at a time.

The major keys to a confident student and good test taker are their problem-solving skills and practice. Practice makes perfect.

Learning exercises

We host a database of online interactive exercises, quizzes and game-like activities, where...

Printable resources

Printable material such as practice sheets, coloring sheets, homework help resources, various...

Online test preparation

We host a database of online interactive exercises, quizzes and game-like activities...

Progress tracking

Clearly see what’s done well and what still is in progress. Monitor all lesson activities and test...

Goals and Awards

With us, it’s easy to set personal goals and make progress one step at a time. Games-like...


Regular reminders, updates, report cards and other helpful notifications to ...

Make sure your kids have all they need for success.

Understanding is the key to success, and we believe that education is an essential component.

Although facts remain facts, we exploit today’s technologies to assist kids to learn these facts, and then know how to practically apply them to solve problems.

Personalized plans for every student.

We believe every student, that is, every mind and soul, is different. We offer different strategies and explanations on the very sametopic that have been created by our affiliated teachers.

Our vision

Learning through customized practice sessions and critical thinking.

We obsess over providing the tools students will need to acquire practical skills, and confidence in certain subjects and the learning process in general.

We believe that everyday practice will reinforce what has been learned to prepare your student for the next level.

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Our mission

To help students to build critical thinking skills, and a confident and fearless approach to all kinds
of academic activities and tests.

To help parents to set goals through test prep studies and/or everyday practice.
To let parents track the progress and clearly determine what topics require extra attention for your child.

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Our solutions

We attempt to make the entire study process easier and efficient.

We offer online test-preparation, mini and full size lessons in different forms, quizzes and tests.

We keep track of the students activity, analyze it, and then clearly show what topics in a subject have already been mastered and what still requires attention.

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Together, we’ll find the right approach that will enable you to achieve your goals.

More reasons to join our learning community.

  • Fully customized study plan
  • Clear progress reports
  • Personalized goals for your child linked to awards
  • Game-like points for completion of levels
  • Reminders for scheduled practice
  • Use suggested practice and tests or prepare your own.
  • Ready-to-use materials to prepare everyday assignments, homework
  • Personalized goals for your child linked to awards
  • Game-like points for completion of levels
  • Reminders for scheduled practice
  • Use suggested practice and tests or prepare your own.

Most Popular F.A.Q.

Practithink Prep Content Guidelines
Practithink Points, how do they work?
What are Practithink Prep achievements?
Is the Practithink software A.I.?
How are available payouts sent?
Subscription Levels
When are payments made?

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