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Check out these hints for Math Compare size, weight, and volume .

The object that takes up more place is bigger.

The heavier object weighs more.

The object with a greater capacity holds more liquid. 

Detailed explanation for Math Compare size, weight, and volume

Which objects are bigger? The ones that take up more space. Have you ever seen an ant? It's so tiny. It takes up little space, less than your fingernail. Is there something bigger than an ant? Of course! Even a butterfly is bigger, although it isn't also big. So, if the object takes up a lot of space, it is bigger. Among the two items, the one that takes up more space is bigger. Let's compare the shapes. Which one is smaller?

The blue cloud takes up more space on your screen than the white one. Therefore, the white cloud is smaller than the blue one.

Let's compare the capacity of glasses. They have the same width and height. So, their capacity is the same and they hold the same amount of juice.

But someone could fill them up to different levels. If one glass has a greater level of juice or water than the other one, it means it holds more and has a greater capacity. 

If the containers have different heights or widths, their capacity is also different. Look at the glasses below. Their heights are the same, but the glass on the right is wider than the one on the left. Therefore, the wider glass has a greater capacity and holds more.

We may use scales to find which objects are heavier and which ones are lighter. But not all things will fit on them. In such cases, we may use other clues. Thus, comparing a monkey and an elephant, we can say that a monkey is lighter, as we have some knowledge of the natural world and know that elephants are huge. Also, we bear in mind what things are made of and not forget about their number. Thus, the glass is heavier than the paper cup, and a stack of books is heavier than one book. 
