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Check out these hints for Math Count and compare using the phrase .

Calculate the number of items in each group and compare the numbers. Among the two-digital numbers, the one with the bigger number of tens is greater. If the number of tens is equal, compare the number of ones. If the groups have the same number of items, they are equal. Use these expressions for comparing:

Sign < means “less than” 

Sign > means “greater than”

Sign = means “equal to”

Detailed explanation for Math Count and compare using the phrase

What does to compare mean? It means to find the difference. If we compare the length, we find out how much the length of one item differs from the length of the other item. When comparing groups of objects, we figure out which one is greater and which one is less.

There are several ways to compare the number of items:

1. Pair the objects.

We take the objects from different groups and put them in a pair.

We do it until there are no items left in one group. The group with at least one item left without a pair is considered to be greater.

We can see there are 2 triangles left without circles. All circles are paired, and 2 triangles are not. It means the number of triangles is greater than circles.

2. The second way to compare groups - to connect them with a line. 

We can draw a line from each shape of one group to the shape of the other. Pay attention - we can draw only one line from one item to another. We can see all the circles connected with the triangles. But two triangles have no links to the circles. It means the number of triangles is two greater than the number of circles.

3. The third method of comparison - calculate the number of objects in each group. 

Let’s count the circles - 8. The number of triangles is 10.

Let’s compare the numbers: 8<10. 

The rules for comparing numbers:

1) Among one-digital numbers, the smaller is that one we say earlier when counting 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Thus, 3 is less than 5.

2) Any two-digit number is greater than any one-digit number. Thus, 9 is less than 20.

3) When comparing two-digit numbers, we compare their tens first. If the number of tens is the same, we compare ones.

4) Among two-digit numbers, the greater is the one with a greater digit in the tens place. 44 is greater than 39.

4 tens are greater than 3 tens, so 45 is greater than 39.

5) Among two-digit numbers with an equal number of tens, the less is the one with fewer ones.

67 is less than 69. Both numbers have 6 tens. Let’s compare their ones: 7 < 9, that is why 67 < 69.

To compare numbers use expressions: < (less than), > (greater than), = (equal)
