Count how many dots and Xs are represented here? To count dots or Xs, you need to give each dot or X a certain number in order from 1 to 5. The number of the last dot or X that you named indicates the number of all the dots or Xs that you counted. If you call the last dot and X the number 5, then you have five dots or Xs in total.
It is possible to calculate everything that surrounds you. So you will find out how many apples are on the tree, how many friends you have, how many toes, and how many trees are in the park. Imagine that guests have come to you, and you need to give them each a piece of cake. How many pieces of cake will you need to treat everyone? First, we need to count the guests! To do this, point at each guest and pronounce the numbers in order from one to five: one, two, three, four, five - until you reach the last guest. If the guests ended when you said "four", then the number of guests is four. This means that you need four pieces of cake to treat them all. Well, the fifth piece is for you.
Now count dots and Xs. It’s important not to forget the main rules of counting:
1. Do not skip dots and Xs when counting. You have to take into account every dot or X.
2. You can't count the same dot or X twice. Otherwise, you will determine the amount incorrectly. Only one count digit corresponds to one dot or X.
Dots or Xs in a row and dots or Xs that are randomly scattered are counted according to the same rules. The main thing is not to miss any dot or X and not to count the same dot or X more than once.
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