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Check out these hints for Math Counting backward; 100 to 1 .

When counting backward, we say numbers from the greater to the less value. Each following number is 1 less than the preceding one.

Detailed explanation for Math Counting backward; 100 to 1

What do we know about counting backward?

1. We start counting from the greater number to the less one:

100, 99, 98, 97, 96, 95, 94, 93, 92, 91, 90, 89, etc.

2. When counting backward, numbers decrease. Each following number we say is 1 less than the preceding one.

Let’s write down the number sequence from the greater number to the less: 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90. The difference between numbers is still 1. Knowing this, we can continue the sequence, if we subtract 1 from the last number: 90-1=89. Thus, we found the next number in this sequence - 89.

How can we find the missing numbers in this sequence?

It is a backward number sequence, so we count from the greater number to the less one. To find out the number coming after 100, we subtract 1 from it and get 99.

Now we can complete this sequence, by subtracting 1 each time.
