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Check out these hints for Math Counting up to 100, using different frames .

There are 10 cells on the frame. Count all the filled frames. It is the number of tens. Then count the objects in frames which are filled partially. It is the number of ones.

Write down the number of tens in the tens place and the number of ones in the ones place.

Detailed explanation for Math Counting up to 100, using different frames

To find out the number of objects in the frame, we count only its filled cells. We do not count empty ones.

We know that each frame has 10 cells. What does it mean? If the frame is filled, we won’t need to count objects again. We know that there are 10 cells with one item in each.

This way, we can use this frame to count tens and ones of objects. The milk was delivered to the store. There are 10 bottles in each box.

Let’s count boxes: 10, 20, 30… Oh, no! 2 bottles in the fourth box are broken. But we know that there are 10 bottles in each box, so we can say the number of unbroken bottles is 8. Thus, there are 38 bottles in total.

Now, let’s count balls.

1. First, count the number of filled frames.

There are 5 filled frames with 10 shapes in each. It means, their number equals 50.  

2. Let’s determine how many balls are in the last frame filled partially. Can you see there is one empty cell there? To find out the number of balls, we can subtract 1 from 10.

Thus, we get 9 balls in the last frame.

3. We add up two obtained numbers - 5 tens and 9 ones: 50+9=59.

So, the number of balls in all cells is 59. 
