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Check out these hints for Math Match digital and analog clocks .

The small hand on an analog clock shows the hours. The large hand is the "minute hand," which shows the minutes.

Each digit on the clock denotes a different number of minutes.

Detailed explanation for Math Match digital and analog clocks

The digital clocks have two digits on the right, which show hours, and two digits on the left, which denote minutes. These digits are separated by the sign “:” called the colon. How can we tell time using digital clocks? We need to call two numbers divided by the colon.

The time shown on the clock is eight-thirty. It means 8 hours 30 minutes.

If there are two zeros on the right, it means 60 minutes or 1 hour have passed, and the count of minutes has started again. In this case, we don’t say “zero, zero,” but pronounce “o’clock.”

Here is the analog clock.

It has at least two moving hands. The big one denotes hours, and the small one shows minutes. If the minute hand points at 12, it means “:00” or “o’clock.” If it points at 6, it denotes 30 minutes. If the hour hand points at 1 or 12, and the minute hand is at 12 as well, then you know it is exactly that hour.

Look at the picture below. The minute hand points to 12, and the hour hand is at the digit 5. It means it’s 5 o’clock.

If the hour hand is between numbers, you need to look at the nearest number that it has already passed. In this picture, the hour hand has passed the number 4, so the clock shows time after 4.

The minute hand denotes how many minutes have passed after 4. The time between the alongside numbers on the dial is 5 minutes. If we count minutes from the number 12, we can find that the minute hand has passed 2 divisions after 12. It denotes 10 minutes. So, the clock shows 10 minutes after 4, or 4:10.

To convert time from analog to digital clock, look at the hour hand. It shows hours. Write down this number on the left and put a colon to divide it from minutes. Then look at the minute hand. If it points at 1, it denotes 5 minutes, the number 2 means 10 minutes, 3 - 15 minutes, 4 - 20 minutes, 5 - 25 minutes, 6 - 30 minutes, 7 - 35 minutes, 8 - 40 minutes, 9 - 45 minutes, 10 - 50 minutes, 11 - 55 minutes, 12 - 00 minutes. 

Write this number after a colon.
