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Check out these hints for Math Math sentences for word problems; up to 20 .

When two groups are combined into one, use addition to solve this problem. First, identify two groups of objects and then find their sum. Remember adding ones to ones and tens to tens.


The number 12 consists of 1 and 2. 1 is the number of tens, and 2 - of ones.

The number 6 has no tens, only 6 ones. So, we add up 2 and 6 ones that equal 8.

Write the number of tens in the first place and ones in the second: 18.

Thus, 12+6=18

Detailed explanation for Math Math sentences for word problems; up to 20

A word problem is a task that needs to be solved. It has conditions, known data, and a question.

We can understand how to solve it by using its text and paying attention to the words. They show what operations we need to perform. If there were a lot of sweets at the beginning of the problem, and its number became fewer by the end, we would subtract the number of sweets that we ate from the given amount. What words tell us about it? - "Left", "Ate", "Swam away".

If we see the words “Came”, “There is more”, “Increased”, then we need to apply addition.

Do you need to find the total number of objects in two groups? Then it is an addition problem. To find the answer to its question, add up two numbers. What number to add up? The number of objects in the first and the second group.

There are some sweets on the table: 5 chocolate candies, 4 caramel candies, and 4 pieces of cake. How many candies are in total?

We can see the words “In total” in the question. It means we need to add up the known numbers. What numbers to add up? Only those that denote the number of candies: 5 and 4. We don’t need to count the pieces of cake.

Let’s make up the problem using illustration.

We can see the toys here. There are two types of them: teddy bears and cars. How many teddy bears? 11. How many cars? 5. We can come up with any text for this problem. For example, there are 11 dolls and 5 cars on the shelf in the store. How many toys are there in total?

We need to find out the number of all toys. It means we deal with the addition problem. To answer the question we need to add up two parts - the number of dolls and cars. Let’s write down the expression: 11+5.

How can we add up these numbers? We know the first digit in two-digit numbers denotes the number of tens and the second of ones. The number 11 consists of 1 ten and 1 one. The number 5 has 5 ones and no tens. Let’s add up the tens to tens and ones to ones. 1+0=1. It is the number of tens. 1+5=6. It is the number of ones. Let’s write the digit denoting tens in the first place and the number of ones in the second. We got 16. Thus, 11+5=16. There are 16 toys on the shelf in the store. We have answered the question of a problem.
