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Check out these hints for Math Mixed word problems; addition or subtraction; up to 10 .

Skip extra problem conditions. Leave the ones you need for solving.

Solving addition word problems, answer the questions: “How many in total? What is the sum?"

To do this, add up the parts: there are 5 oranges in one basket and 4 bananas in the other. How many fruits are in total? 

Oranges - 5

Bananas - 4

How many fruits - ?


Answer: 9 fruits in total.

Subtraction word problems contain data on how many objects in total and in one part were. We need to calculate the number of items in the other part.

To do this, subtract the less number from the greater one: There were 10 balloons in total, 8 were blown up. How many are left to blow up? 

Balloons in total - 10

Blown up balloons - 8

How many are left - ?


Answer: 2 balloons.

Detailed explanation for Math Mixed word problems; addition or subtraction; up to 10

Let’s solve the problem:

Long ago, in a faraway place, there lived a lovely princess. She was very young and loved fashionable clothes. The princess had a lot of outfits. The most beautiful were 4 yellow and 2 red dresses, as well as one tracksuit with sparkles. What is the number of the most beautiful dresses?

This word problem is so long. It is much more complicated to read than to solve. To overcome this struggle, we will skip extra details and use the most significant data.

To do this, look at the question: What is the total number of the most beautiful dresses? We can skip the information where she lived and the fact she loved fancy clothes. It won’t help to solve the problem. What data is left? The most beautiful outfits were 4 yellow dresses, 2 red dresses, and a tracksuit with sparkles. What is the number of the most beautiful dresses?

We have already cut this problem in half. Are there still some extra details? Yes, we need to count only dresses. Despite the fact the tracksuit was with sparkles, we cannot call it a dress. We won’t consider it when solving the task. So, what is left now?

The most beautiful outfits: 4 yellow and 2 red dresses. What is the number of the most beautiful dresses?

Wonderful! We have left only the essentials. Now all that remains is to solve it. You can do it by yourself.

How to identify addition word problems?

  1. We know the number of objects in several parts.
  2. We need to find the number of objects in all parts.
  3. There are words: in total, together, in sum, in both.

We solve such problems by adding the first part to the other.

The train has 4 blue and 2 green railcars. How many railcars are in total?

Blue railcars - 4

Green railcars - 2

In total - ?


Answer: there are 6 railcars in total.

What do we know about subtraction word problems?

  1. We know the number of items in several groups. We call it the whole.
  2. The number of items in one group is given.
  3. We need to answer the question: How many items are in the other group?
  4. There can be the words: left, remain, fewer, take away.

To solve this problem, subtract the part from the whole.

Three days have passed since the beginning of the week. How many days are left till the end of the week?

Days of the week - 7

Days have passed - 3

Days are left - ?


Answer: There are 4 days left till the end of the week.  
