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Check out these hints for Math Read a thermometer (Fahrenheit only) .

Look where the line on the thermometer changes from red to white. The number on the right shows the temperature in Fahrenheit.

Detailed explanation for Math Read a thermometer (Fahrenheit only)

When measuring length, we use a ruler. When measuring time, we look at the clock. And what do we do if we need to measure temperature? We use a thermometer. Temperature is the quality that shows how hot or cold something is. We measure air and body temperature, the temperature of objects, and food.

We know that ice cream is cold as its temperature is low. 

And the fire is hot as its temperature is high. 

When it’s warm outside, people wear T-shirts and shorts and go swimming on the beach. It's important to keep the body warm in cold weather, so we put on warm clothes and then we can play snowballs and go skating.  

The units of time are hours, minutes, and seconds. To measure temperature, we use degrees. The boiling point of water is 212 degrees Fahrenheit (212℉). And what temperature does water freeze? At 32 degrees (32℉).

Here is a thermometer.

It has divisions, like a ruler. There are divisions above and below the number 0. The column of liquid shows the temperature. The higher the bar, the warmer the temperature is. If the bar drops below 0, it shows cold temperature, and to denote it, we use a minus sign before the number: 35℉.

To measure the temperature, look at the place where the thermometer changes from red to white and look at the number on the right. Thus, our thermometer shows the temperature of 80℉, as the red line ends at the number 80. Sometimes this line may stop between two numbers. In this case, we find which number below is closer to the end of the red line and count divisions from that point.

These may be 65℉, 70℉, 75℉ or 85℉, 90℉, 95℉.
