Write down numbers and expressions with mathematical signs.
Sixteen minus five equals eleven: 16 - 5 = 11
Eighteen plus two equals twenty: 18 + 2 = 20
1 - one 2 - two 3 - three 4 - four 5 - five
6 - six 7 - seven 8 - eight 9 - nine 10 - ten
11 - eleven 12 - twelve 13 - thirteen 14 - fourteen 15 - fifteen
16 - sixteen 17 - seventeen 18 - eighteen 19 - nineteen 20 - twenty
Did you know that not all people use letters in writing? There are countries in which the writing is hieroglyphic. How is that? We are used to the fact that each word consists of several letters. One letter doesn't mean anything. A hieroglyph is a single sign that denotes a word or even a phrase. Here are the Eastern hieroglyphs:
人 - a human 山 - a mountain 日 - the sun
Mathematical language is also a sign language. Each digit is the designation of a certain number, which can also be written with the word: 17 - seventeen. We have designated nine letters with just two symbols 1 and 7. What other signs of mathematics do you already know?
Subtract, decrease, and reduce are denoted by the minus sign “-”.
Add, enhance, increase - this is the plus sign “+”.
We will get, it will be, the result - the symbol "=”.
You can use these signs to write down any expression. Eleven plus five makes sixteen. What does it look like in the symbol language? 11+5=16
In addition, we have the ability to decipher messages that are hidden behind signs. How will you read these signs? 19=20-1. The wording is different. But their meaning is the same:
"Nineteen is twenty minus one. "
" To get nineteen, you need to take one out of twenty.”
"Nineteen is the result of subtracting one from twenty."
Can you translate words into signs? Write down the result of an expression formulated in words as a number. Don't forget how to write numbers.
1 - one 2 - two 3 - three 4 - four 5 - five
6 - six 7 - seven 8 - eight 9 - nine 10 - ten
11 - eleven 12 - twelve 13 - thirteen 14 - fourteen 15 - fifteen
16 - sixteen 17 - seventeen 18 - eighteen 19 - nineteen 20 - twenty
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