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Check out these hints for Math Word problems; Imperial (U.S.) units of length .

To solve the problem, use the information that will help answer the main question of the problem. Skip unnecessary data. 

The length of the red ruler was 9 inches. The blue ruler was 10 inches long. One evening someone broke the blue ruler, and it became 2 inches shorter. How long is the ruler now?

We have highlighted the significant data and a question with red color. 

Other details are unnecessary. Skip them and solve the problem. 

The ruler was 10 inches long. It was broken. It is 2 inches shorter now. How long is the ruler now? 

Detailed explanation for Math Word problems; Imperial (U.S.) units of length

The problem has a condition and a question. Not all information in the problem is significant. All irrelevant details we may skip. Here is the text.

The palm of Susan's mom is 7 inches. Susan's palm is 3 inches smaller, and her dad's palm is 1 inch larger than her mom's. How large is Susan's palm?

Let's emphasize only important information. We are given the length of mom's palm. It is said that Susan's palm is 3 inches shorter than her mother's. You need to find this length. We are not interested in daddy's palms. Not at this task, at least. Forgive us, dad.

The palm of Susan's mom is 7 inches. Susan's palm is 3 inches smaller. How large is Susan's palm?

We have highlighted important information and a question. It reduced the text of the problem, and now it is easier to solve it. To do this, we subtract 3 from 7. Susan's palm is 4 inches.
