These printable worksheets are handy for students learning English and working out on diphthongs. The concept of two or more letters spelling a single sound or two sounds coming together to create a new sound (diphthongs) can be pretty challenging for students. Each word in these printable worksheets is missing two letters. Children need to figure out the word by looking at each picture and then choose oi, oy, ou, and ow to fill in the missing letters. This worksheet helps kids practice recognizing and using spelling patterns such as diphthongs (two vowel sounds in one syllable) when reading and decoding. Most of the words used in these learnings activities are sight words and help young students practice reading and recognition skills. Secondary usage: Write the whole word under the word you just figured out. Think of a short sentence you can use this word; write it below. Cross-out wrong suggestions. Approximate US School Grade: 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade Age Range: 6-8