These fantastic math worksheets will help kids practice counting with fun. Using these printables, kids will add and subtract numbers within 10. The pictures support counting visually and make it easier for young learners. This resource is great for using in the classroom or alongside children’s learning at home.
Addition and subtraction form the basis of various math problems. When adding numbers, we put them together to find the total amount. The result of adding two numbers is called the sum. Subtraction is the opposite process to addition and means taking away one number from another.
Understanding how to add and subtract is a foundational aspect of math that prepares children for other significant math skills, such as division and multiplication.
Each worksheet contains the task with illustrations. Students need to add or subtract fingers and write down the math sentence. Kids will love practicing with fun and will master their early math skills in no time.
The learning pages are printable-friendly versions and are easy to download, print and use. We recommend using coloring printers to get a more attractive illustration. For more fun printables and engaging activities, check our website. We have created a bundle of colorful worksheets. Find them and keep on practicing with us every day!
Approximate US School Grade: Kindergarten-Grade 1.
Age Range: 5-7.