These printable worksheets are the perfect learning activity that helps a child identify irregular verbs in the past tense. Practicing with these resources, students need to decide which sentence of the given two is written in the past.
Learning with these worksheets will help you introduce the features of the past. You can start this worksheet as circle the correct option, then ask children why they have decided the event described happened in the past. This discussion can be a great preliminary talk about time markers and irregular forms of the verb. These worksheets can also serve as a good revision or wrapping-up activity.
Working with these learning pages, children can focus on time markers: words like yesterday, that day, etc. You can also focus on the form of irregular and regular verbs, and talk about the difference. You may want to discuss why they decided that the other sentence couldn't be in the past tense. The markers that identify the frequency of actions: every day, 3 cups a day, etc. can work as a cue.
All of the worksheets contain the most common irregular verbs. To add more challenge, ask children to put these sentences into the negative form. To let the children try out their creative writing skills, ask them to copy the beginning of the sentence: the subject and the verb in the past tense. Ask them to finish their sentence using their imagination. This can be a made-up sentence or a real sentence about his or her own life, or a friend who happens to have the same name. That is a great task for checking the collocations these verbs have.
This activity is suitable for 7-9 years old students, U.S. school, 1st, 2nd grades.
These learning pages are suitable for color and black and white printers.