These printable worksheets offer another fun and straightforward approach for children age 5-8 years old learning multiplication.
Once students introduced multiplication facts and times tables and teachers and parents already explained this math topic in several ways, it is time to memorize them.
Memorizing things required some dedication that is still developing quality for 1st - 3rd grades; without the fun factor, learning becomes boring.
So how about bingo? Math bingo of cause.
Practice is the only solution to learn multiplication facts by heart, and you can use the multiplication bingo as another effective way to memorize it faster.
While it looks simple, these printable learning materials great for different purposes;
- Fun way to learning times tables.
- Use these printables as daily practice with or without timing.
- Can be used as a game between classmates
These learning pages are prepared for black and white printers.
Click here for interactive practices of multiplication.