Dividend, divisor, quotient, factor, product, minuend, subtrahend, difference, addend, sum!
These printable worksheets are the great learning activity that helps your child get comfortable with the names of numbers in mathematical equations. Children already know how to solve four basic types of equations, however, the names of the numbers occasionally cause difficulty.
On each page, students are offered seven tasks with specific numbers printed in bold. For each of these numbers, a child needs to choose the correct name of that number.
An example of a subtraction problem: the minuend - the subtrahend = the difference.
An example of an addition problem: the addend+ the addend = the sum.
An example of a division problem: the dividend / the divisor = the quotient.
An example of a multiplication problem: the factor x the factor= the product
You can start this worksheets as draw a line activity. To make it reusable you can offer a child a set of seven counters or any other small objects and ask him or her to place the object on the correct name of the number in bold. If you are working in a group print out all 10 worksheets, hand out a separate copy to each pair. Ask pairs of children to decide on the correct option together either drawing a line, coloring, or putting a small object on the top of the box. Then children pass their worksheet to the left and repeat the task with a different worksheet.
This activity is suitable for 9 to 10-year-old students, US school 3rd and 4th grade.
These learning pages are suitable for black and white and color printers.