These printable worksheets are the perfect learning activity for helping a child get comfortable with possessive pronouns. Practicing with these resources, students need to decide which possessive pronoun is the most suitable and complete the sentence with it.
Possessive pronouns are specifically used when we want to pinpoint the possession without naming the object. For example, “This is my car”. In the sentence, 'my' is a possessive adjective used in front of a noun. “This is mine” is a sentence, where 'mine' is a possessive pronoun. This type of pronouns is used autonomously, without a following noun, and from the previous sentence, it is clear what object is being discussed.
The variety of sentence structures and contexts will allow a child to practice all possessive pronouns (mine, his, hers, ours, etc.) and pay attention to its position in the sentence.
This activity is suitable for 7-9 years old students, U.S. school 1st and 2nd grade.
These learning pages of suitable for black and white and color printers.