These printable worksheets are the perfect learning activitiy that helps a child get confident in dividing large numbers. Practicing with this resources, students need to complete the calculation, and write the answer in the box provided.
Each worksheet contains 18 equations to solve. This teaching material can be used as extra practice, home assignments, or testing material.
The dividend is already placed under the division bar nearby the divisor, which is put outside the bar. So, it is not necessary to use a draft sheet to perform calculations. The result is put into the box above the dividend and then copied into a separate box on the right.
To add more fun and make this task less daunting, you can play the following game with a child. Roll the dice, if it is number four, a child has to solve all the equations containing this number. If this is done as an extra activity or home assignment for the holidays, two or three rolls of dice would be enough.
This activity is suitable for 9–10 years old students, U.S. school: 4th grade.
These learning pages are suitable for black and white and color printers.