Fractions can be hard to learn. Using these engaging worksheets your children will develop an understanding of fractions of the object.
These printable learning pages can be great teaching aid in studying. These are quality learning pages to use in the classroom or at home.
Naming fractions is an important skill for any student. Fractions are important because they show you what portion of a whole you need. Children can use this knowledge in their everyday life, for example, in baking to find out how much of an ingredient to use or when dividing the cake at the party.
Using fractions we can represent parts of a whole or single unit. In other words, fractions help to split a number into equal parts. These numbers are separated by a line.
Each learning page offers several pictures. Students need to look at the shaded parts and count the number of equal parts. Then they need to circle the option that shows into what fraction the object has been shaded.
Children who have already learned this topic can test their skills, passing a time-limited test for each page.
This activity is suitable for kindergarten, U.S. school 1st, and 2nd grade.
These learning pages are suitable for black and white and color printers.
These study materials will also help improve the math skills of students. Be on the ball by learning with our worksheets!