These printable worksheets are the perfect learning activity that helps a child get comfortable with recognizing a silent letter and paying attention to the spelling of the word with this tricky letter. A silent letter is written but not pronounced.
Practicing with these resources, students learn to read words with silent letters correctly. Accurate pronunciation is reinforced by carefully selected groups of words which follow the same pronunciation pattern.
Silent letter word groups are given in the alphabetical order for your convenience.
To make this activity more interactive, you can do the following task: offer your students to work in pairs. Ask them not to look into each others papers. One child circles five words and reads them aloud. The second child listens in circles the wordshe has heard. They compare their answers in pairs, and then switch roles.
This activity is suitable for 6-7 years old students. U.S. school 1st grade.
These learning pages are suitable for black and white and color printers.