Printables for three-letters constant combination.
Blending things up is fun; children love to blend up colors, toys from different sets, food, etc. Some combinations work perfectly, peanut butter with a jam on their morning sandwiches when others make no sense, like ketchup in the glass of milk, right?
Let's use these printable worksheets to find the right combination for the most common three-letters constants.
Ask children to circle the option that shows the correct three letters constant blend, so the picture matches up with complete words, then read the word aloud.
These printable learning materials will help young students remember writing and pronounce most three-letter consonant blends and build phonological awareness.
These three-letter consonant blends printables are designed for color printers but will work with black and white.
Approximate US School Grade: 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade
Age Range: 7-9