These printable worksheets are the perfect learning activity that helps a child get comfortable with identifying shapes. Each worksheet contains three rows of shapes. Practicing with his resources children need to circle two identical shapes in a row.
Colorful, bright illustrations will help the teacher to capture the initial interest of young learners.
To make this activity more fun and to avoid excessive paper use, you can use the following idea. You need to print out the number of worksheets as many students there are in your class. You will also need transparent files, whiteboard pens, and pieces of soft cloth or cotton pads Put a paper copy in the file and hand it out together with a pen and a soft cloth. Give out a copy per pair or a copy per person. Children circle the same shapes. As soon as they have finished, they erase their answers using a soft cloth and pass a copy to the right, clockwise. Now all of the class has a new copy to work with.
This activity is suitable for 4-7 years old students, U.S. school Pre-K, Kindergarten.
These learning pages are suitable for black and white and color printers.