These printable worksheets are the perfect learning activity that helps a child gets comfortable with fractions. Practicing with these resources, children need to add fractions and write numbers in boxes.
These worksheets provide a smooth transition from visualized fractions to more abstract fractions written in numbers.
A variety of shapes, as well as a visually attractive and explicit demonstration of fractions, will help the teacher to capture the initial interest of young learners.
You can start these worksheets by deciding on how many fractions there are in the hole number. Then count colored fractions. For instance, the whole number contains three parts, only one part is colored, hence, the fraction can be represented as 1/3.
Ask more advanced learners to focus on fractions written in numbers and use the visual representation as extra support, when it is needed.
As another version of the task, ask students to cover the numbers, look at the illustrations and re-create the arithmetic problem and give the solution.
These worksheets can be used as tests, practice assignments, or teaching tools. These learning pages are perfect for multiple intelligences such as visual, logical, and naturalistic. They are easy to work with and perfect for mixed-ability classes.
This activity is suitable for 9-11 years old students, U.S. school 3rd, 4th, 5th Grades.
These learning pages are suitable for color and black and white printers.