Here is a set of math worksheets for 9 - 11 years old children. These pages will help students understand how to find the factor of the number. This topic is a significant step in kids` education. Using our engaging materials helps kids practice identifying the factors of a number in no time.
What is a factor in math? It is the number that we multiply to get a number provided. Thus, the factors of number 10 are 1, 2, 5, 10.
How did we determine it? We can multiply these numbers to get 10. For example, 1x10=10, 2x5=10, 5x2=10.
These activities will help young learners overcome difficulties in finding factors and using multiplying times tables. Also, by practicing with our materials, your children will improve their logical reasoning and analytical skills.
Our worksheets provide sets of tasks on each page. Children need to circle the factor of a given number. Do you want kids to be more involved? Set a time limit for each page and represent the task as a game.
You can download these pages and use them when learning math in classes or self-practicing at home.
Do you fancy practicing math with joy? Find our other activities and explore the world of math, having fun. Keep on learning and practicing math skills with us every day!
The worksheets are for black and white and color printers.
Approximate US School Grade: 3rd, 4th, 5th.
Age Range: 9-10.