Welcome to our math worksheets.
This set of learning pages is for your kids to practice turbo counting by 10s. This activity is a fun way for young learners to improve their counting skills and explore the math basics. Learning counting by 10s helps kids master their skills when calculating things in groups, and it will encourage them to reach new heights in studying. Counting things by 10s may help kids in their daily life. For example, when calculating coins for buying sweets or favorite toys. By having mastered turbo counting by 10s, children will be ready to learn multiplying times tables.
What is counting numbers by 10s?
It is one of the basic math operations. It is a process of finding the sum of objects adding the number 10. For example: 10 + 10 + 10 = 30.
Our learning materials provide a set of tasks. There are few exercises on each page. Children need to count the total number of toes by counting each pair of feet as a group of 10 and write the answer in the box provided.
You can download and print these pages to help your students practice every day. Also, kids can paint pictures. It will help them having fun while practicing.
These worksheets are for 5-6 years old children. Students can use them when practicing at home or in classes.
This activity is suitable for U.S. school grades: Kindergarten.
The worksheets are suitable for white and black printers.