These printable worksheets are a great learning activity to help a child become familiar with nouns or revisit this topic. This specific task is designed to locate nouns in a variety of sentence structures and differentiate them from all other parts of speech.
You can start this worksheet as a recognition task asking a child to circle all nouns on a page. To add some variety you can cut this worksheet up into strips with separate sentences. Put strips face down and mix them, take turns to pull out a strip and analyse a sentence and circle a noun.
If working in a group, split the group into 2-3 teams, set the timing (2 min) and ask them to find as many nouns as possible. They can analyze one sentence collectively. As a variation of this activity you can offer each student in every team a separate strip with a sentence. Then each student has 10 seconds to allocate an noun or nouns, and after a signal they pass the strips of paper to the left so that the second student double checks and verifies the found nouns. After 2-3 checks the sentence is put into a bank. Each team shows sentences with circled nouns. The team which has found most nouns wins.
This printable activity provides a nice practice for words which can be used both as nouns or verbs in the dictionary form: cook, waste, dress etc. As an extra challenge ask children to look for these word and say if they are nouns or verbs in every specific context.
This activity is suitable for 7 to 9 years old students, U.S. school 1st and 2nd grade.
These learning pages are suitable for black and white and color printers.