These printable worksheets are the perfect learning activity that helps a child get comfortable with differentiating between possessive pronouns and possessive adjectives and choosing the correct version. Practicing with these resources, students need to fill in the gap with the correct possessive pronoun or adjective.
Each worksheet contains four situations. You can start these worksheets by analyzing the sentence structure and predicting which exactly - a possessive pronoun or an adjective - is to be put into the box. This is easy to find out. If there is a full stop after a gap. or if a gap is followed by a verb, that is a possessive pronoun. For example, in the sentence "This hat is his", his is a possessive pronoun. It is used independently and doesn’t need any following nouns. If the gap is in the middle of the sentence, and there is a noun after it, that is a possessive adjective. For instance, "That is not his dog". In this sentence, "his" is a possessive adjective, because after it goes a noun.
These learning pages are a great extra teaching material for summarizing two topics of possessive pronouns and possessive adjectives. These can be used as a revision task or as a test.
This activity is suitable for 7-9 years old students. U.S. school, 1st and 2nd grade.
These learning pages are suitable for color and black and white printers.