These learning pages have tremendous activities that will help children understand how to use the past simple.
Knowing how to distinguish tenses is one of the most important basic skills for any student. Sometimes choosing the form of an irregular or a regular verb can be frustrated for kids. Our printable activity is a perfect way to master these skills.
If a student can use regular and irregular verbs he can become a more proficient speaker and express himself in the best way.
We use the past tense when we talk about a situation that happened in the past. To form the past simple form it is important to know if the verb is regular or irregular. A verb in which the past tense is not formed by adding the usual -ed ending is called irregular.
Using our learning pages students will easily learn the past simple tense. It will be much easier for them to memorize irregular verbs by paying attention to them in a sentence, rather than looking at a huge list. Each worksheet offers a set of twelve words on different topics and different parts of speech. These learning materials can be helpful for use in a class or self-studying at home.
Children who have already learned this topic can test their skills, passing a time-limited test for each page.
This activity is suitable for 7-9 years old students, U.S. school 1st and 2nd grade. These study materials will also help improve the reading skills of students.
These worksheets are suitable for black and white and color printers.