These printable worksheets are the perfect learning activity that helps a child get comfortable with simplifying fractions to the lowest terms. Practicing with these resources, students need to use their multiplication and division skills to find the equivalent fraction and write the answer in the space provided.
If the fraction is to be written in lowest terms, one has to find an equivalent of the fraction which has the simplest form. Both parts of the fraction have to be divided by a common factor. Finally, the greatest common factor of its numerator and denominator has to be 1, and you can't divide them any further.
Each worksheet contains 12 fractions and can be applied in a variety of ways.
To make these learning pages reusable, laminate them, and hand out a copy and a whiteboard pen for each student.
For extra challenge, set the timing, for instance, five minutes for one worksheet. If you give it as a practice task for newly introduced topic, hand out copies of the same worksheet, then check the results as a whole class.
For extra challenge and a bit of collaborative, hand out copies to each student. If your class is more than 9 students, separate the class into groups of 5 to 9 and give each group a unique set of worksheets, so they are not repeated. Set the timing. When the time is off, ask them to hand their copies over to the right, clockwise, and check their partners' works and introduce any corrections if necessary. Instruct children to be supportive and friendly.
These worksheets can also work perfectly as a testing material, since each page contains a unique set of fractions.
This activity is suitable for 9–10 years old students, U.S. school: 4th grade.
These learning pages are suitable for black and white and color printers.