These printable worksheets are the perfect learning activity that helps a child gets comfortable with conjugating the verb "to be". Practicing with these resources, students need to decide the appropriate conjugation of "to be".
Each worksheet contains four carefully selected sentences. With these learning pages child practices choosing the correct form of the verb in the present or past form, singular, and plural.
You can start this worksheet as a circle the correct option. After a whole-class check of one or two worksheets is done, you can move on to a more challenging and fun task. Hand out a copy per pair. The first student in a pair uses the worksheet as a questionnaire. He or she reads the sentence, saying the word "Buzz!" when there is a gap. The second student needs to guess the correct option. If a student gives the correct conjugation, but the tense is not correct, ask a student to try again. When the worksheet is done, hand out another worksheet to the second student. Now the second student reads sentences and the first guesses.
This activity challenges your students to conjugate the verb "to be" correctly, basing their decision on the number and person of the subject.
These worksheets can be used as teaching material for the introductory stage, extra practice, or as a test.
This activity is suitable for 7-9 years old students, U.S. school 1st, 2nd grades.
These learning pages are suitable for color and black and white printers.